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Infographic: 3 Popular Internal Mobility Myths Debunked

We already know why internal mobility is important. However, at large companies, there are often cultural barriers and biases towards embracing internal mobility.

In this article, we share why concerns about internal mobility are overstated and how your company can start to create a culture that supports it.

One of the big lies told about internal mobility is that it’s a way for one department to steal top-performing employees from other departments.

This could not be further from the truth…

In reality, the definition of internal mobility is about more than just moving jobs internally. It also encompasses part-time gigs and secondments. You and your employees can reap the benefits of internal mobility without the negative connotations of it.

SEE ALSO: The In-House Side Hustle: Why Part-Time Projects are Key to Employee Development

Then, there’s the myth of external hires, armed with more experience and cache…always being the better hire.

“Workers who entered the job through simple promotions perform better than external hires on all measures and in all specifications.” - Matthew Bidwell, HBR

We could go on, and on. But instead of talking about it, we’d rather show you in our latest graphic below, outlining a Fact Vs. Fiction case about internal mobility.